Kerbside Collection

Council provides a Kerbside collection to the majority of the Council district. This comprises of waste in a single 140 litre red lid bins every week and recycling every second week in a single 240 litre green lid bin.

Additional collections can be paid for in advance. Audits may be conducted from time to time to determine if residents are receiving the service level they are paying for.

The collection is an “overnight” service which simply means that those participating in the service need to put their bin out the night before collection day to be confident of having the bin collected.

The service operates on a tight time frame where retracing routes needs to be avoided to fit in the designated route each day. From time to time, the route taken by the operator may change for operational reasons. As a result, the time for the pick up may alter without notice. If the bin is placed out for collection the night before, there is a much reduced likelihood of the collection being missed.

Information regarding the collection days for waste can be downloaded below and Download the My Local Services App to get a friendly reminder each week.

Download My Local Services App

Which Bin

Green Industries SA supports householders, business and industry to keep South Australia's resource recovery and waste diversion rates the highest in Australia, and to continue striving for a circular economy. The 'Which Bin' website and phone hotline provides up-to-date recycling advice for South Australian households.

For further information visit,